Tata Mata konoba & Wine bar Novi Beograd

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New Belgrade restaurants are a gastronomic galaxy for all hedonists. At the end of the summer of 2022, the temple of Mediterranean cuisine moved in right here. Tata Mata, a well-known name for seafood specialties in the city center presents a new chapter of first-class flavors from across the river. Dalmatian cuisine at this address surprises even the audience that lives by the sea. More creative than the original concept, the idyllic oasis of fresh fish and seafood with the mandatory presence
New Belgrade restaurants are a gastronomic galaxy for all hedonists. At the end of the summer of 2022, the temple of Mediterranean cuisine moved in right here. Tata Mata, a well-known name for seafood specialties in the city center presents a new chapter of first-class flavors from across the river. Dalmatian cuisine at this address surprises even the audience that lives by the sea. More creative than the original concept, the idyllic oasis of fresh fish and seafood with the mandatory presence