Get out of the comfort zone and take matters into your own hands and do something with your hands, legs, hips, joints ... Let's see, who did not try bungee jump? Now or never. You are not going to remember the summer of 2018 for the bad weather or the meeting of Putin and Trump? Of course you are not. At Ada Ciganlija there is one of the most beautiful, but also the tallest bungee jump centers in the world - the height of the crane is 55 meters. Do not worry, you will not be alone in this action. The leaps are realized by a well-trained bungee team under the supervision of trained experts with world recognized certificates.
If you have a lot of friends or you have come to the Belgrade sea with the family, Adventure Park is the right thing. You can split into two teams, and if you have real rivals - the fun is even better. Be the best on the obstacle course with obstacles on the trees, made of various platforms, hanging bridges, banisters, beams, etc. As part of the fun games on the ground, Adventure Park has designed games of memory, orientation, strength, balance and a variety of surprise games.
Ada Ciganlija also offers Aqua ski-lift on water for skilled and experienced skiers. Aqua-ski complex is located on the Makis side of Ada Ciganlija. This is a completely ecological project of the highest level of security. It represents excellent sports activity for children and young people, but also for the elderly.
Real warm up and an adrenaline strike is on Paintball. The first open forest terrain for popular entertainment has wooden obstacles, and a sack bunker is made in the middle. There are two fields, but also a space for spectators - fans.
Real-time video game in a real location? It is a Laser tag - a shooter video game transferred to reality. Laser tag players use a marker, i.e. an infrared rifle and electronic targets detectors. The equipment is highly technological and all data is transferred wirelessly from the gun to the computer, and at the end of the game each player gets game statistics and hits.