Vintage fair and book exchange for children from Svratiste

Socializing and the exchange of vintage items and books of humanitarian character - raised funds go to the Association Svratiste za decu (Hangout for children)

Monday 3rd of July 2017

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Cultural Center Studentski grad organizes gathering on 6th July from 17:00 until 22:00 and everyone is invited. Plateau in front of the Magistrala club within the students city is the venue of this charity action and exchange of different little things, and benches in front of the plateau will be the stalls. Everyone interested for exchange can apply via mail [email protected] until 5th July.

Vintage fair, book exchange and charity action for Svratiste is an excellent way to get rid of things you do not need from your home, and at the same time to be humane. Come and bring jewelry you do not wear anymore, scarves that do not fit with anything, small boxes on the shelves, too long dresses, too tight skirts, sunglasses that do not fit with new hair colour, bags you do not wear because they are too small, shirts you don`t like, jeans whose pockets are too small for all you need, CDs you don`t listen to anymore, books that are not part of home library...

Svratiste (hangout) for children raises awareness about endangered children and their families with different manifestations and actions. It often organizes events of humanitarian character and raises funds necessary for the functioning of the association and the most urgent needs of the youngest. The Association has two locations in Belgrade, but field workers go around and find endangered ones and provide them welfare, social, legal and elemental assistance.