Another great party under the open sky at Kalenic market under the name Letnje seme (Summer fling) takes place today, on 14th July from 18:00 and lasts until midnight. Famous city DJs Goran Starcevic and Brrkati are music support, and for lovers of live music, Djura i mornari band is coming. As always, entry for unrepeatable fun among market stalls is free.
Belgrade Night Market has organized a large number of events for this edition at the Kalenic market, which will certainly be attractive to visitors. Young designers will present their unique works and each piece will be for sale. The "Champion of the Market" will traditionally offer the best dairy and cured meat products and the best fruit and vegetables to visitors of this interesting event.
A party at the market in Belgrade is organized for the eighth time. JKP (Public Utility Company) "Gradske pijace" and "Redesign doo" are organizers of this great event, which is a synonym for an open-air entertainment and a purchase of unique and quality products. The Belgrade Night Market event has won Belgraders and visitors of the capital in a short period of time. It is a tourist attraction which has more and more visitors every year. The combination of market and city entertainment proved to be a winner.
The biggest market in Belgrade, Kalenic, will present over 100 exhibitors tonight. Famous city bars and restaurants will discover small secrets of preparing some cocktails or delicious specialties on their "own" stalls. Non-affirmed designers and artists will offer last collections of their artwork for sale. With a high-quality music programme, this will be an evening of great entertainment.