Belef 2017 manifestation brings great names from music world to Belgrade every year, and this year is not an exception. Concert, scheduled for 27th June at 21:00 at Student Cultural Center, is organized in partnership with Instituto Cervantes de Belgrado. Alba Molina Montoya and Ricardo Moreno will present a combination of jazz, Brazilian music and flamenco with a personal touch and popular soul and jazz songs their style as well.
Alba Molina is an artist from Spain who found herself in flamenco, jazz and blues. She has also a successful modeling career. She is very talented and has a specific vocal colour and impressive abilities. During her career, she has often combined diverse music genres and styles like pop, hip hop, bolero, Brazilian and Caribbean rhythms, jazz and flamenco. Popular singer is promoting her latest album "Alba canta a Lole y Manuel". She says it is probably the most flamenco album she will ever make.
She comes from famous artistic family. Her father, Manuel Molina is a famous guitar player and "King of the guitar" film was made after him. Her mother, Manuela Montoya is a famous flamenco dancer and a singer. The famous couple performed under the name "Lole y Manuel", and during 70s, they were the most popular artists in Spain. They became famous worldwide when Quentin Tarantino chose their song "Tu Mirá" for his film "Kill Bill Volume 2".
Ricardo Moreno is a famous guitar player and a flamenco and jazz composer from Spain.
Kal band comes from Belgrade suburbs. Urban Romany band created music style that critics from West defined as Rock'n'Roma which describes it the best. The band started its career in 2006 and it has performed at over 600 concerts. It has performed at big festivals abroad like Roskildea in Denmark, Fuzion in Berlin, Pepsi Sziget in Budapest, and the biggest success is Exit Festival. During big tours in America in 2006 and in 2008, Kal performed at all important clubs. It visited 45 cities and achieved collaboration with Gogoll Bordello, a music attraction that performed with Madonna at Global Warming event in London.
Band`s both albums were on the top of World Music Chart Europe, and in 2006, its album was number three. Such a rating was not achieved by any local band. Collaboration with Rambo Amadeus on two occasions was very well taken, and project with rapper Marcelo got positive reviews as well. Kal band consists of Dragan Ristic, Dusan Gnjidic, Marko Djurcic, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic and Milorad Jevremovic. They proudly point out that they are the only band from region chosen from 1.000 bands worldwide to perform at the most significant festival of world music in Spain - WOMEX in 2006.