THINGS TO DO IN BELGRADE - Еvents calendar

Palace complex

Accompanied by a guide, enjoy the Royal Palace, the White Palace, the Royal Chapel of St. Andrew the First-Called and the Royal Park

FROM: 09:30, 12:30


- gatherings for transportation are at 09:30 (in Serbian) and at 12:30 (in English) at the tourist bus stop in front of the Belgrade City Assembly.

For more info contacts:
- phone number +381 11 2635622
- email [email protected].

Activity & Experience


The White Palace (Beli Dvor) is located within the same copmplex as The Royal Palace. King Alexander I built The White Palace with its own private funds, as the residence for his three sons: Peter ...

White palace

The White Palace (Beli Dvor) is located within the same copmplex as The Royal Palace. King Alexander I built The White Palace with its own private funds, as the residence for his three sons: Peter ...