Museum of the National Theatre

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The Museum of the National Theater was established in 2010 in the reconstructed space, in the basement of the building, following the design of architect Milan Pališaški. The permanent exhibition comprises a historical overview of the development of all segments of the theater art of the National Theater along with a thematic exhibition entitled Contemporary Costumography and Scenography on the Stage of the National Theater and The Greats of the National Theater on Postage Stamps. As part of the Open Door Drive every month visits to the Museum and the National Theater are organized and are accompanied by expert guides.

The Museum of the National Theater was established in 2010 in the reconstructed space, in the basement of the building, following the design of architect Milan Pališaški. The permanent exhibition comprises a historical overview of the development of all segments of the theater art of the National Theater along with a thematic exhibition entitled Contemporary Costumography and Scenography on the Stage of the National Theater and The Greats of the National Theater on Postage Stamps. As part of the Open Door Drive every month visits to the Museum and the National Theater are organized and are accompanied by expert guides.