Since 1937, since the first performance in the originally named theater "Privileged Theater for Children and Youth Roda" to the present day, this institution has had an important mission - to change the world. It may sound unreal, but as soon as you take a peek behind the curtains, you realize that people here live for art. The decades-old theater for children has had a separate programme for adults since 2005. The evening stage immediately brought the adults back to the theater seats.
Since 1937, since the first performance in the originally named theater "Privileged Theater for Children and Youth Roda" to the present day, this institution has had an important mission - to change the world. It may sound unreal, but as soon as you take a peek behind the curtains, you realize that people here live for art. The decades-old theater for children has had a separate programme for adults since 2005. The evening stage immediately brought the adults back to the theater seats.