The squares, streets and city centers that every passer-by will know how to show you the way to, and for tourists they are destinations for obligatory visiting
What Knez Mihailova is for the city center, this square is for all residents of Zemun. Ladies from Zemun are there on a daily basis because of the rich offer of catering facilities and various shop...
Magistratski square
What Knez Mihailova is for the city center, this square is for all residents of Zemun. Ladies from Zemun are there on a daily basis because of the rich offer of catering facilities and various shop...
Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic (1787 - 1864) is the great reformer of the Serbian language. He worked as a scribe in the Sovjet (then goverment) after the First Serbian Uprising, then as a teacher and civ...
Vuk monument
Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic (1787 - 1864) is the great reformer of the Serbian language. He worked as a scribe in the Sovjet (then goverment) after the First Serbian Uprising, then as a teacher and civ...
The Sava promenade is the most popular summer promenade with a length of 1.8km, with numerous contents, among which is the Gallery of Belgrade on the water, bars, amphitheater under the Branko`s br...
Sava Promenade
The Sava promenade is the most popular summer promenade with a length of 1.8km, with numerous contents, among which is the Gallery of Belgrade on the water, bars, amphitheater under the Branko`s br...
Zemun quay is on the right bank of the Danube. The promenade, which carries the official title of "Kej Oslobodjenja" begins under the hill village Gardos and reaches out to the municipality of New ...
Zemun quay
Zemun quay is on the right bank of the Danube. The promenade, which carries the official title of "Kej Oslobodjenja" begins under the hill village Gardos and reaches out to the municipality of New ...
The oldest Zemun square. The arrangement was started in 1784 by the demolition of the Catholic Church and the construction of the City School, the Parish Office and the Church of the Blessed Childr...
Big Square (Veliki Trg)
The oldest Zemun square. The arrangement was started in 1784 by the demolition of the Catholic Church and the construction of the City School, the Parish Office and the Church of the Blessed Childr...
Spatial cultural and historic ensemble of great value, Kosancicev venac, is the area of the oldest compact Serbian settlement in Belgrade with the preserved old raster of spontaneously created stre...
Kosancicev venac
Spatial cultural and historic ensemble of great value, Kosancicev venac, is the area of the oldest compact Serbian settlement in Belgrade with the preserved old raster of spontaneously created stre...
The square had been a marshy pond prior to 1880, where the citizens of Belgrade hunted wild ducks. The Scotsman Francis McKenzie purchased a large area above the modern-day square and parcelled it ...
Slavija square
The square had been a marshy pond prior to 1880, where the citizens of Belgrade hunted wild ducks. The Scotsman Francis McKenzie purchased a large area above the modern-day square and parcelled it ...
It covers the space between the "Gradska Kafana" (City Restaurant), "Jadran" cinema, the National Theatre and the Army Hall of Serbia. The present square was formed after the demolition of the Stam...
Republic square
It covers the space between the "Gradska Kafana" (City Restaurant), "Jadran" cinema, the National Theatre and the Army Hall of Serbia. The present square was formed after the demolition of the Stam...
As an old urban ambiance, Skadarlija represents a combination of interlinked material and spiritual values that grew from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the present day. First houses we...
As an old urban ambiance, Skadarlija represents a combination of interlinked material and spiritual values that grew from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the present day. First houses we...
Knez Mihailova Street is one of the oldest and most important streets in Belgrade, and also an evidence of a continuous existence of the city. The area of the street has traces of antique civilizat...
Knez Mihailova street
Knez Mihailova Street is one of the oldest and most important streets in Belgrade, and also an evidence of a continuous existence of the city. The area of the street has traces of antique civilizat...
According to the project from 1843, the Flower Square was the Flower Market. Prior to the construction of the market, the entire area was covered with oak woods and spread all the way to Manjez Par...
Cvetni trg
According to the project from 1843, the Flower Square was the Flower Market. Prior to the construction of the market, the entire area was covered with oak woods and spread all the way to Manjez Par...
Former desolate meadow that was cut by the Constantinople road (now the Boulevard of King Alexander) is now one of the most beautiful squares in Belgrade - Nikola Pasic Square. In the first half of...
Nikola Pasic Square
Former desolate meadow that was cut by the Constantinople road (now the Boulevard of King Alexander) is now one of the most beautiful squares in Belgrade - Nikola Pasic Square. In the first half of...
Designed by Franz Loran, the Terazije Fountain was erected in 1860 to mark the return to the throne of Prince Milos Obrenovic. It was fashioned in the tomantic style and represents one of the most ...
Terazije fountain
Designed by Franz Loran, the Terazije Fountain was erected in 1860 to mark the return to the throne of Prince Milos Obrenovic. It was fashioned in the tomantic style and represents one of the most ...
Gospodar Jevremova street is one of the typical Belgrade outdoor museums. In not so large area there are a number of sights: the Museum of Vuk and Dositej, the Cultural Center "Stari grad", the Hou...
Gospodar Jevremova street
Gospodar Jevremova street is one of the typical Belgrade outdoor museums. In not so large area there are a number of sights: the Museum of Vuk and Dositej, the Cultural Center "Stari grad", the Hou...