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Senjak is the populated part of the city that belongs to the municipality of Savski venac. It is a part of the city that is rich in embassies and diplomatic residences. Long before it became an interesting place for upper classes of society in Belgrade, Senjak was a great natural place for observation. Since farmers held hay throughout Belgrade, fire often broke out and therefore it was ordered to keep the hay in one place, and for this purpose area of today's Senjak has been chosen. This is one of the theories how Senjak got its name. The goes that Senjak was resort and area for picnic for old Belgraders. Wealthy people were hiding in the shade during summer heat so that could be another theory how Senjak got its name (shade in Serbian is senka, hlad).

Senjak and Dedinje are wealthy neighbourhoods in Belgrade. After World War II, Senjak suffered the fate of Dedinje - when the Communists took power, they declared the previous inhabitants the enemies of the state, expelled them from their large, luxurious houses where new communist and military elite moved in.

This part of Savski venac and Belgrade in general still belongs to the elite population. Luxurious villas, exclusive restaurants, popular hotels and modern spa centers are located right here. On the Senjak there is the Museum of African Art.